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Underfunding: Environment Agency waterways

Funding of waterways managed by the Environment Agency

Along with its many environmental and flood defence responsibilities, the Environment Agency is the navigation authority for 630 miles of inland waterways – such as the Thames and the Medway in the south east – and many waterways in East Anglia.

Whilst funding for Canal & River Trust was guaranteed for 15 years from 2012, budget for the Agency’s navigation function is still subject to annual review and cuts in the grant-in-aid.  The Agency has recently said “in [our most recent funding settlement from Government] we received less than half the grant in aid funding we were bidding for, for both revenue (which contributes to operational staff and maintenance work) and capital (which pays for major asset improvement or replacement projects).  As a result we don’t have as much money, and consequently people, to do all the things that are needed to deliver the plan.”  This is a recipe for managed decline and closure of periphery waterways.

Only with increased funding will these navigations realise their potential through leisure, tourism, health and well-being, all of which come with associated economic benefits for the local and wider UK economy.

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Hundreds of miles of waterways – along with their unique heritage and habitats – are currently starved of funding, and rely on constant lobbying by us to safeguard their future.


Environment Agency Funding News

Firepool Lock, Taunton, which is featured in the draft Taunton Waterways Strategy. (Photo: Gordon McKerrow)
Vazon Sliding Bridge David Morris via Wikicommons
Salterhebble Lock Cottage (Iain Duncan)
Volunteers at Dukinfield
Historic green steel girder bridge over the river
Nofolk crab boat going through Castle Mills Lock on the River Foss
Hammersmith Bridge with boats underneath
IWA London Walks guide, Charlie Forman
Canoeists in a lock with building and people around
Canal hire boat on canal in front of house

Sustainable boating

We are campaigning for boating on canals and rivers to be more sustainable.

Preserving heritage

Britain’s canals and rivers are a unique, living heritage. But that heritage is at risk.

Safeguarding waterways

Hundreds of miles of waterways are currently starved of funding.

Volunteers working on the restoration of the Stover Canal

Restoring waterways

Bringing Britain’s blue infrastructure back to life is good for people and places.

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