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How you can make the difference

The Inland Waterways Association is the only independent, national charity dedicated to supporting and regenerating Britain’s navigable rivers and canals as places for leisure, living and business.

We believe that the nation’s waterways and surrounding environments are for everyone to enjoy, and for over 75 years have both campaigned and taken direct action to protect their continued existence.

Your donation will help to fund major campaigns such as the Fund Britain’s Waterways campaign.

Much of our work is carried out by our dedicated volunteers. Your support can make the difference.

If you would prefer to donate via text message, please click here. You can also donate online via Charities Aid Foundation ( – and then search for IWA using our charity registration number: 212342.  For electronic banking payments, our CAF account details are: sort code 40-52-40 and account number 00005178.

How your donations help

More miles

Since 1946 over 500 miles of waterways have been restored but there is much still to do. We share expertise with local restoration groups and give hands-on support.

Better boating

We want the whole network of the UK’s rivers and canals to be able to be used and enjoyed by as many people as possible, both on and next to the waterways.


We know our waterways are special places.  We work to protect their heritage from thoughtless development, and to safeguard their unique environment for future generations.


Our incredible volunteers tirelessly campaign for the waterways.  They spend thousands of hours each year improving your special places with hard graft.

Waterways affected by HS2

We’re campaigning to protect canals and rivers from the damaging effects of HS2, especially where the tranquillity of the waterways is under threat.

Waterway underfunding

Hundreds of miles of waterways – along with their unique heritage and habitats – are currently starved of funding and rely on constant lobbying by us to safeguard their future.

Waterway restoration

Restoring the UK’s blue infrastructure – our inherited network of navigable canals and rivers – is good for people and places.