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This section provides links to IWA’s reports, policies and a range of other published documents

Documents are being added regularly – the library is expanding!


IWA Campaign Policies

HTMLPDF – Design Standards for Construction, Restoration and Maintenance of Inland Waterways

HTMLPDF – Freight on Inland Waterways

HTMLPDF – Heritage Policy

HTMLPDF – Moorings on Navigable Waterways

HTMLPDF – Operability of Locks and Moveable Bridges

HTMLPDF – Provision of Boaters Facilities

HTMLPDF – Residential Boating

HTMLPDF – Restrictions on Waterway Use

HTMLPDF – Riparian Owner Statutory Rights

HTMLPDF – Towpaths Policy

HTMLPDF – Unauthorised Renting of Boats

HTMLPDF – Vegetation Management

IWA Briefing Notes

Briefing Notes are written to bring our policies to life, providing examples and situations that demonstrate how our policies work in practice.

HTML  –  PDF  –  Angling on Inland Waterways

HTML  –  PDF  –  Cycling on Towpaths

HTML  –  PDF  –  Dredging

HTML  –  PDF  –  Environmental Guidance for Boaters

HTML  –  PDF  –  Mixed Use of Towpaths

HTML  –  PDF  –  Navigating Canal Tunnels Safely

HTML  –  PDF  –  Removal of Pinch Points

HMTL  –  PDF  –  Provision of Boaters’ Facilities

HTML  –  PDF  –  Structures or Craft Impeding the Navigation

HTML  –  PDF  –  Using Canoes and Small Unpowered Boats on the Inland Waterways

IWA Publications

iwa administrative policies

HTMLPDF – Equal Opportunities Policy

HTMLPDF – Health & Safety Policy


Reports and Publications by others that IWA has contributed to

Jonathan Mosse and the IWA Sustainable Boating Group have contributed to an academic paper: Review of UK Inland Waterways Transportation From the Hydrodynamics Point of View, which was published in April 2023 and is available to download.

IWAC / IWAAC Reports

The government’s advisory body on inland waterways, The Inland Waterways Advisory Council (IWAC), was abolished on 2nd July 2012 following an initial announcement in July 2010.  Before its demise, IWAC authorised IWA to publish any of its works (including those of its predecessor, The Inland Waterways Amenity Advisory Council), so that its reports and research were not lost to the benefit of the inland waterways community.  

These reports are available on a separate page.


(1) Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v 3.0.