After many years of running successful Festival of Water events, several members of the committee are moving on and we now urgently seek volunteers to take on the roles listed below.
If you believe you have the skills and experience to take on any of the positions listed, we need you!
Event Chair – schedule event planning, develop project plan to ensure key tasks can be delivered on time, have oversight to ensure co-ordination of functions to deliver the event. Liaise with Finance and function managers before and during the FoW to ensure the event delivers on or better than budget.
Publicity Manager – working with IWA Head Office staff to manage publicity including posters, leaflets, local advertising near the site, local radio and social media. Produce the event brochure. Liaise with the local council to promote the event in council newsletters and potential banner and poster sites.
Attractions and Entertainments Manager – finding and booking entertainers for the entertainments marquee and booking attractions including children’s rides (within the restrictions of IWA Insurance). Liaise with the site manager regarding space needed on the event site for rides, arena, classic cars etc.
Catering Manager – find and book a suitable variety of caterers and manage caterers on site including positioning according to the site plan when they arrive on site. Liaise with publicity to promote the event.
Commercial Manager – find and book traders and exhibitors including charities and manage the traders on site including positioning stalls according to the site plan when they arrive on site. Advertise the event on appropriate websites for traders. Liaise with publicity to promote the event.
Finance Manager – manage the Festival finance including budgets and reports as necessary. Work closely with event chair to ensure the event in on or better than budget. Liaise with IWA Head Office Finance to ensure cost and income are correctly allocated and understood.
Volunteer Manager – contact any boaters and campers attending to find volunteers over the event for various tasks. Help in the information tent over the run up to, and over the event weekend, to allow the volunteers to fill the rotas for the tasks that need covering.
To find out more please send an email to stating which post or posts interest you, and provide a brief outline of the experience and skills you would bring to the task.