Stourport Ring & Droitwich Ring Map (Heron)


Tourist map of the Stourport and Droitwich Rings, featuring the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal, part of the Birmingham Canal Navigations, Worcester and Birmingham Canal, Droitwich Canals and part of the River Severn.


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Tourist map of the Stourport and Droitwich Rings at 1:50,000, featuring the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal, part of the Birmingham Canal Navigations, Worcester and Birmingham Canal, Droitwich Canals and part of the River Severn. Detailed town plans at 1:12,500 and 1:10,000. Includes navigation and historical information, visitor moorings, marinas and boatyards, facilities for the boat user, boat hire centres, sailing and boat clubs, shops, post offices, and distance markers. Information for the tourist includes information centres, places of interest, pubs, nature reserves, parks, churches, national cycle routes, long distance paths, public toilets and caravan and campsites.