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Risk Assessments and Method Statements

Simple Risk Assessments and Method Statements

Activity organisers must prepare risk assessments and method statements to clearly show how they are going to carry out the work safely. A copy of this paperwork must be made available to everyone undertaking the activity. 

Conducting a risk assessment is not difficult or demanding. It is just a case of looking at the activity and identifying the hazards (anything that has the potential to do harm) associated with it. By gauging the likelihood that the hazard will do harm, and the severity of the harm caused, a risk rating can be calculated. If the risk rating is low, the activity can proceed; if it is medium more control measures should be considered.  If the risk is high, then more control measures are almost certain to be needed to reduce the risk to an acceptable level before the activity can proceed.

Also: Look at the risk assessment advice for construction work in the Restoration Hub.