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Wendy Humphreys (1953 – 2022)

Wendy Humphreys, chair of IWA Lancashire and Cumbria Branch died unexpectedly, after collapsing in her garden at home, on 5th October, just three months short of her 70th birthday.  In addition to chairing the Branch since 2016, Wendy was its social secretary, organising the branch meetings, trips and walks.  She was the Branch’s representative on Lancaster Canal Regeneration Partnership and on Lancaster Canal Trust.  She had recently covered planning matters and also acted as the Branch’s sales officer.  All this after serving as branch treasurer from 2004 to 2016; which also included a spell as newsletter editor.

If there was a hole in the dyke, Wendy would step forward to plug it.  And not only for IWA, she was also editor of the Lancaster Canal Trust’s newsletter Waterwitch.

Wendy and her husband Derek joined IWA in March 1989, following boating holidays and Derek’s long association with canals.  They did not own a boat but had a keen interest in canals and their heritage.  Wendy’s involvement in waterways and other matters was reflected at her funeral in Blackburn where half of those attending had to stand, as there were so many there.



[The photo, left, by John Hewerdine, shows Wendy examining he 2019 Trailboat Festival awards.]

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