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IWA National Committees and Panels – Who’s Who

Most IWA officers and staff can be contacted by e-mail using the following format: [email protected]
Postal address: Unit 16B, Chiltern Court, Asheridge Road, CHESHAM, HP5 2PX

Trustees – see the biographies for each trustee

Robert Atkins
Rick Barnes
Dave Chapman
Stuart Craig
Peter Marlow (deputy chair – membership and environment)
Charlie Norman
Sue O’Hare (deputy chair – navigation and campaigns)
Hannah Rigley
Ian Sesnan
Paul Strudwick
Mike Wills (national chair)

Management Committee

Neil Edwards
Charlie Norman
Sue O’Hare
Mike Wills


Contact via Head Office – 01494 783453

Rachel Bryant – Membership Assistant – extn 600
Tracy Higgin – Administration Manager – extn 601
Georgia Howe – Marketing & Communications Officer – extn 616
Verena Leonardini – Events & Projects Coordinator – extn 607
Paula Smith – Assistance Finance Manager – extn 614
Amy Tilson – Campaigns Officer – extn 618


Canalway Cavalcade Committee

Mikk Bradley
Libby Bradshaw
Dave Chapman
Karen Cook
Nick Coolican-Smith
John Fevyer
Pete Fleming
Emma Greenall
Craig Haslam
Georgia Howe
Mike Moore
Mike Newman
Tamara Pizarro Fernandez
Liz Rayner
Dorothy Robbie
Alan Robertson
Paul Rodgers – chair
Mark Saxon
Paula Smith
Roger Stocker
Paul Strudwick

Events Committee

Peter Carter
Dave Hearnden
Maria Hearnden
Chris Jennings
Mike Moorse
Steve Taylor

David Venn – corresponding member

Finance Committee

David Carrington
Mike Dyer
Roger Morgan (deputy chair)
Nick Parker
Colin Porter
Mike Wills

Mike Palmer – corresponding member

Heritage Advisory Panel

Ivor Caplan Dipl Arch Oxford
Nigel Crowe
Derek Humphries – Heritage Officer for IWA London Region
Nicki Schiessel Harvey
Dr Ian Sesnan BA Hons, MA(Dist)
John Yates

Inland Waterways Freight Group

John Spencer – chair
John Pomfret
Jonathan Mosse
David Lowe
Pamela Mounter
Gerry Heward

Navigation Committee

Click here to see updates from recent meetings

Sue O’Hare – chair
Robert Atkins – North West Region nominee
Ivor Caplan – deputy chair
Jonathan Mosse – IWA in Scotland representative
John Pomfret
Andrew Shephard – East Midlands Region nominee
Verna Smith – South East Region nominee
Roger Stocker – deputy chair
David Struckett – West Midlands Region nominee
Paul Strudwick – London Region nominee
Amy Tillson – IWA Campaigns Officer
Vacancy – Eastern Region nominee
Vacancy – North East & Yorkshire Region nominee
Vacancy – South West & South Wales Region nominee

Bowman Bradley – corresponding member – IWA representative to Boat Safety Scheme Advisory Committee
Ian Fletcher – corresponding member
Paul Greenhalgh – corresponding member
Jessal Murarji – corresponding member – IWA Honorary Consultant Engineer
John Reeve – corresponding member
Phil Sharpe – corresponding member – IWA HS2 lead
David Stevenson – corresponding member
Adam Wyllie – corresponding member – IWA nominee to Boat Safety Scheme Technical Committee

Planning Advisory Panel

Bob Dewey MRTPI(retd) : IWA Honorary Consultant Planner
Ed Gittins FRTPI: IWA Honorary Consultant Planner (main contact for the panel)
Barry Juniper MRTPI(retd): Former Planning Officer and Planning Inspector
Phil Sharpe BSc. FGS : IWA Lichfield Branch Secretary & Planning Officer, HS2 Lead
Helen Westlake BSc(Econ), MCD, CiLCA : Planning Officer, IWA Northampton Branch

Ivor Caplan Dipl Arch Oxford – corresponding member
Dr Ian Sesnan BA Hons, MA(Dist) – corresponding member

Region Chairs

Robert Atkins – North West Region
Jonathan Mosse – IWA in Scotland
David Pullen – East Midlands Region
Hannah Rigley – South West & South Wales Region
Verna Smith – South East Region
Paul Strudwick – London Region
Helen Whitehouse – West Midlands Region
Vacancy – Eastern Region
Vacancy – North East & Yorkshire Region

Remuneration Committee

Stuart Craig (trustee)
Mike Dyer (member of Finance Committee)
Hannah Rigley (trustee)
Mike Wills (ex-officio as national chair)

Sustainable Boating Group

Bowman Bradley (chair)
Malcolm Bridge
Peter Fisher
Jonathan Mosse
Rupert Smedley
Peter Stacey
David Struckett
Adam Wyllie

Volunteer Awards Panel

Audrey Smith – chair
Verna Smith
Helen Whitehouse

Waterway Recovery Group Board

Mike Palmer – chair
Rick Barnes
George Eycott
Helen Gardner
John Hawkins
Dave Hearnden
Nigel Lee
George Rogers
Jonathan Smith – deputy chair
Harry Watts
Mike Wills

Essex Waterways Ltd – Board of Directors

Roy Chandler – chair
David Carrington
Colin Edmond
Neil Edwards – also company secretary
Chris Fulton
Craig Holliday
Jim Jenkins
John Pomfret

(Listing updated 9th July 2024)