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Rowing and Sailing on the inland waterways


On most waterways you will need to register or licence smaller craft such as rowing boats and skiffs with the navigation authority.  

Rowing Clubs affiliated to British Rowing are able to purchase reduced price EA Boat Registrations through British Rowing.  British Rowing has a block licensing scheme with Canal & River Trust.  Membership of each also provides civil liability insurance.  For further information see

If you are interested in rowing and sculling as a sport look on the British Rowing website ( to find your nearest club. The website also gives useful information about different types of rowing and ways to get involved.  Many rowing clubs are ready to welcome juniors in to their membership and teach them how to scull.  It is only when they reach sixteen that they are introduced to the art of rowing with sweep oars as rowing at a young age can cause an imbalance in the body’s development. There are opportunities for smaller individuals to learn the art of helming and coxing crews. Junior coaches at clubs are well aware of these issues and will ensure that all of their charges are capable scullers who will develop into capable oarsmen or oarswomen.  To take up the sport of rowing, each aspiring club member must be able to show evidence that they can swim in rowing kit (singlet and shorts) a distance of 50 metres as minimum. 



Whilst sailing is not generally feasible on most canals, it is popular on the larger rivers as well as reservoirs and lakes. 

On most waterways you will need to register or licence sailing dinghies with the navigation authority. 

It is worth noting that the increase in the cost of a licence if using an outboard motor is considerable. 

There are many sailing clubs around the country, many are affiliated to the Royal Yachting Association and further information can be found on their website,