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Club 500

For just £12, Club 500 gives you three chances of winning a major prize, including one of up to £1,000.

Support the Waterways and win a prize.

Club 500 helps raise valuable additional income to support our work to improve the waterways.  50% of all entry subscriptions are given out in prizes; the other 50% goes towards IWA’s campaigns.  Welches Dam lock, pictured here, has been closed for 12 years due to underfunding across Anglian Waterways, a situation we are campaigning to change.  Your support helps us bring derelict waterways back to life and protect our navigable waterways on behalf of all waterway users.


Join Club 5oo today

Join Club 500 today by completing the membership form.

Club 500 Rules

1. The name of the club will be “Club 500”.
2. The object of the club will be to raise funds for IWA.
3. The club will run on an annual basis to commence on the first day of January.
4. Prizes will be drawn 3 times per year as follows

1st Prize£500£1,000£500
2nd Prize£200£250£200
3rd Prize£100£150£100

5. The above prizes are based on a membership of 500. All of whom must be members of IWA and over 18 years of age.
6. Subscriptions to Club 500 will be at the rate of £12 per annum. Members will be allocated one chance in each of three successive draws per subscription. A member may take out more than one subscription.
7. All subscriptions must be paid in advance.
8. In the event of application forms being received from more, or less than, 500 people, the scale of prizes will be proportionally increased or reduced.
9. All winners will be notified by post.
10. The administration of the club will be overseen by IWA’s Finance Committee.
11. These rules may be amended by IWA’s Finance Committee.
12. The decision of IWA’s Finance Committee will be final and binding on all questions relating to the operation of the club.
13. Accounts will be kept and reviewed annually by an independent auditor.  The accounts shall be sent to all subscribers annually.

Here are some types of project that Club 500 could help to fund…

Waterways Heritage at Risk

Britain’s canals and rivers are a unique, living heritage. But that heritage is at risk – from urban development, lack of protection, loss of skills and knowledge and climate change.

You can help Save Waterways Heritage.

Sustainable Boating

We want boating on canals and rivers to be more sustainable and – even though the current overall contribution to UK carbon emissions is very small – we want to help reduce emissions on the waterways.

Aston Nature Reserve, Montgomery Canal

Work to bring the Montgomery Canal back into use as a navigation must also protect habitats.

Burslem Branch Canal Conservation Area

The Trent & Mersey Canal Conservation Area now includes Burslem Branch Canal.

Crown Wharf, Stone – Trent & Mersey Canal

The site on the Trent & Mersey Canal in Stone will have a development good for heritage and the community, thanks to our lobbying.