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The Role of Navigation Committee

Membership and Chair

There is a geographic representation derived from members of IWA’s eight regions in England and Wales, and from IWA in Scotland.

Additional members are appointed by trustees on recommendation by the committee.  These are people who have particular experience or expertise in different aspects or uses of navigable waterways, and in some cases formally represent a particular area of interest.

In addition, corresponding members are encouraged, in the interests of fostering a wide base of specific knowledge and expertise.  These representatives may be invited to attend by the chair when their expertise may be beneficial to a specific issue or meeting.

All committee members are subject to formal appointment by the Board of Trustees. The chair is appointed, and reappointed or replaced, by trustees.

Roles and Responsibilities

IWA’s Navigation Committee will:

  • On behalf of trustees, monitor and respond to any matters concerning the use, conservation, development and maintenance of navigable waterways. The committee will raise issues with trustees by formal reports, presentations, or verbally as and when appropriate.
  • On behalf of trustees, liaise with other organisations whose proposals or activities may have a peripheral affect on the use of the inland waterways.
  • Ensure IWA is represented on the Environment Agency’s National Navigation Users Forum, Canal & River Trust’s user group meetings, user groups for other navigation authorities and other similar forums.
  • Advise trustees on strategic and forward planning decisions, and maintain monitor and implement a strategy for issues on navigable waterways
  • Collate, maintain and publish, when appropriate, IWA policies and technical information relating to navigation and other issues on navigable waterways
  • Provide advice to IWA members, navigation authorities and others on navigation matters.
  • In consultation with other IWA committees, as appropriate, publish information concerning navigable waterways, commission blogs, briefings, articles and leaflets on relevant waterway matters and promote the Association within and beyond the waterways movement.
  • On behalf of trustees, provide advice to members, other IWA committees, boat clubs, waterway societies and others on navigation matters.
  • Promote the use of inland waterways of the British Isles for freight transport through its subgroup the Inland Waterways Freight Group.

Terms of Office and Meetings

All full committee members to serve terms of three years, but can be reappointed for further terms.


To be filled by new appointment from the region, by advertisement, or from recognised special interest groups.  Corresponding members may be invited to take up such appointments.

Format and frequency of meetings

Meetings normally held every other month, or as necessary.  Most meetings take place by video conference, but there is at least one in-person meeting each year.

Right of attendance at meetings

Trustees have the right to attend meetings as observers.

Corresponding members may attend by invitation of the chairman

Reporting to

The Board of Trustees.  Accountable to regions via each region’s nominee member.

Reporting from

Branches, regions and other relevant committees and panels, including Inland Waterways Freight Group.

Co-ordination between other relevant committees

The committee is responsible for communicating with other relevant Association committees in a timely and effective manner.  The committee chair is accountable for ensuring that this takes place.


Navigation Committee may obtain such external advice as it considers is required to discharge its responsibilities.

Minutes to be produced within a maximum of 21 days of meetings; but aim should be to produce within 10 days.