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Branch campaigns

We campaign for waterways in the Lichfield area. One of the key ways that we do this is through monitoring and responding to over 200 planning matters each year. We also regularly meet with the navigation authority, Canal & River Trust, and raise issues on behalf of the waterways.

Planning Matters

We engage with and influence the planning system to ensure appropriate development of the waterways and their surroundings. Our branch is consulted on, considers and responds to over 200 planning matters each year, about half of which are planning applications. 

You can read a quarterly roundup of the more notable ones in the Planning Matters report in our newsletter Lichfield Lines.

For further information on these matters, or to discuss current consultations, contact our Planning Officer, Philip Sharpe via [email protected] or 01889 583330.

You can help by letting us know about any significant planning applications affecting waterways in your area.


IWA Lichfield Branch has been integral to IWA’s HS2 campaign, identifying local issues and raising them at a national level.

Branch news