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Free professional advice

IWA’s Honorary Consultant Engineers assist IWA committees and any other organisations requiring engineering advice on waterway matters. This advice is provided free of charge but reasonable travel and subsistence expenses are expected to be reimbursed. Individual tasks usually involve a few hours effort with a maximum of a few days.

The main purpose of providing advice is to assist organisations to identify the scope of an issue to be examined and to obtain a suitable source of detailed engineering advice.  In addition, the Honorary Consultant Engineers undertake limited investigations and design to support minor engineering works that are often carried out by voluntary bodies.  Their time is likely to be used to best advantage if they are contacted as soon as proposals for engineering schemes are formulated.

The Honorary Consultant Engineers’ knowledge covers

  • Structures
  • Roads
  • Earthworks
  • Construction Practice
  • Contractors
  • Volunteers   
  • Hydraulics
  • Hydrology
  • Water management
  • Conservation of Structures
  • Recreational Use
  • Economics

Requirements, tenders, contracts and more….

In particular, they can advise on the management of professional services contracts, including identifying need and benefit, specifying requirements, preparing contract documents, selecting and inviting suitable companies to tender, assessing tenders, letting contracts, managing contracts and reviewing reports.

The Honorary Consultant Engineers operate within the strict ethical standards that apply to contractual and purchasing matters.  For major projects they would normally recommend a competitive tender exercise possibly preceded by pre-qualification arrangements to assist in the selection of a short list.  Standard procedures are recommended as set out in IWA Technical Restoration Handbook chapter on Managing consultancies on waterway restoration projects.

Professional indemnity insurance for the work of the Honorary Consultant Engineers is included within IWA’s insurance arrangements.  Advice offered is the professional advice of the Honorary Consultant Engineers, given on behalf of IWA, but it does not necessarily represent IWA’s corporate view.

IWA’s current Honorary Consultant Engineers are:

  • Howard Worth BSc, CEng, MICE
  • John Heather MBE, BSc(Hons), CEng, MICE
  • Jessal Murarji CEng, FInstRE, FPWI, FGS, FRSA
  • Andy Yates CEng MSc MBA BSc (Hons) BEng (Hons) FIStructE FGS
  • Graham Pennells IEng MIED EngTech TMICE

They can be contacted via IWA Head Office – Call 01494 783453 or email: [email protected] 

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