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Free professional advice

IWA’s remit for the inland waterways includes structures and buildings that are an integral part of the waterway environment. IWA’s Honorary Building Surveyor can assist IWA’s restoration work and any other organisations requiring advice on feasibility and other specialist matters.  This advice is provided free of charge, but reasonable travel and subsistence expenses are expected to be reimbursed. Individual tasks usually involve a few hours effort with a maximum of a few days.

IWA’s Buildings Surveyor, John Christmas, is a retired Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS)

The Surveyor’s main purpose is to provide advice at an early stage by assessment of the condition of buildings and related structures and recommending appropriate repairs and alterations to maintain, restore or adapt buildings for continued or new use.  He has experience and training in the use of traditional building methods and materials appropriate for the conservation of historic and Listed buildings.  He can advise on the selection and management of consultants and contractors where needed, and advise on methods of procurement and type of contract, tendering of contracts and appointment of contractors.

Where works are complicated by proximity to other properties or where building are in shared ownership the surveyor can also advise on any relevant lease conditions and whether the Party Wall etc Act 1996 needs to be considered.


[Photo: The Clock Warehouse at Shardlow  –  by Alison Smedley]

The Building Surveyor’s knowledge covers

  • Inspection and assessment of buildings and related structures
  • Preparation of specifications and schedules of works
  • Measured surveys and preparation of as existing drawings and proposals
  • Planning, Listed Buildings, Building Regulations and related legislation including Equalities Act & Fire(Regulatory Reform) Order
  • Health & Safety, CDM Regulations, risk assessment
  • Boundaries, party walls and rights of light
  • Building contracts and administration

Professional indemnity insurance is held for the work of the Honorary Building Surveyor.  Advice offered is the professional advice of the Honorary Building Surveyor, given on behalf of IWA, but it does not necessarily represent the corporate view of IWA.

IWA’s Honorary Buildings Surveyor is John Christmas B.Sc. MRICS (rtd)

He can be contacted via IWA Head Office – Call 01494 783453 or email: [email protected] 

[Photo: Ellesmere Warehouse, Llangollen Canal  –  by Alan Wilding]

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