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An interactive restoration toolkit

Planning for the restoration or construction of a new waterway is complex. The process takes many years, involving many people and organisations. No two waterways will be the same or face the same challenges. However there are core tasks of feasibility, design and construction that need to be completed within any waterway restoration project.

IWA worked with Canal & River Trust to set out these core tasks into key work stages – each with clear boundaries, and details the tasks and outputs required at each stage. The work stages are aligned with the RIBA Plan of Work (2013) to ensure compatibility with construction industry standards. It is a reference document for all those involved in planning the restoration or construction of waterways.

Take a look at the interactive toolkit and work stages planner below…

Some aspects in these documents, such as contact details for both organisations, are now out of date.

Work Stages Downloads

Restoration Work Stages – Interactive Toolkit



Restoration Work Plan – Print out visual plan



Safety Toolkit: Resources