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Safety Focus: Hand-Arm Vibration – Guidance Note

Hand-Arm Vibration is vibration transmitted into hands and arms when using handheld power work equipment or work pieces which vibrate, such as pedestal grinders and bench saws.

It can cause Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS), which affects nerves, blood vessels, muscles and joints of the hand, wrist and arm. It can become severely disabling if ignored and includes a condition called ‘vibration white finger’. The symptoms are, tingling and numbness in fingers, which can result in an inability to do or everyday tasks (fastening buttons), loss of strength in the hands and fingers going white and becoming red and painful on recovery reducing ability to work in cold or damp conditions. Once contracted there is no cure. It can also cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), which is a nerve disorder and may involve pain, tingling, numbness and weakness of the hand. It can interfere with work and everyday tasks and might affect the ability to do work safely.

This Guidance Note includes:

  • Examples of Vibration Magnitudes
  • Daily Vibration Exposure Level
  • Actions to be taken to Manage the Risk

Also – see the Practical Restoration Handbook chapter on this subject

Download the Hand Arm Vibration Guidance Note

Safety Focus: Hand-Arm Vibration



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