IWA Northampton Branch has masterminded a much-needed improvement to the towpath between Pineham Lock and the M1 bridge on the Northampton Arm of the Grand Union Canal. Housing developers were originally tasked with improving the path adjacent to the new houses, but the towpath has been getting a lot of use, and was calling out for improvement, so IWA Northampton Branch has stepped in.
With help from a group of employees from local firm Cummins Power Systems, the following work has now been achieved – all done in 5 days, during the week commencing 2nd October.
- 75 metres of new path laid
- 518 in Total volunteer hours worked
- 95 volunteer visits
- 205 of these hours were provided by Cummins, and 41 volunteer visits
- 35 tons of gravel used
- Canal & River Trust, who own the towpath, provided a digger driver, equipment and supervision, which helped lighten the load considerably.
The towpath is now so much better; it will make the canal a better place to be, safer, and more accessible. Cheers Volunteers! We are now hoping to obtain a further grant next year to complete the towpath up to lock 13.
Photos of work in progress
The JCB gets started on digging out and levelling
Constructing path edging
Some gravel down at last
The mechanised barrow was essential to move such large amounts of gravel
Then the roller to press it all down for a hard surface
Finally, the finished product, a wonderful smooth, even path!
The volunteer work parties normally take place twice a month along the Northampton Arm as part of the adoption by IWA Northampton Branch. Volunteer with us.
Anyone interested in coming along can look at the volunteering page for more info and check the events pages to check the latest details of task party days and specific dates.