After we were all satisfied from our dinners, the evening proceeded with a talk from Paul Lynam, regular volunteer and committee member, giving a summary, with photos, of all the fantastic work the volunteers have done along the Northampton Arm. We celebrated the 10 year anniversary of adopting the Arm this year, so Paul went through all the big achievements. We’ve done so much! Lock 17 received a good revamp including a mosaic bench; towpath hard surfacing from Pineham lock almost up to M1 underpass; installing a mosaic trail; and more benches. And of course there is always the less exciting stuff of ongoing general maintenance. Our volunteers do a fantastic job of keeping and improving our canal.
The evening then turnED to winners and Awards!
The 100 club draw…. The 3 lucky winners were:
- 1st £105 Adam Savory
- 2nd £40 Geoff Wood
- 3rd £25 Bernie & Sandie Morton
- Monies raised from the 100 club came to £290, this will go directly to our work to maintain the Arm, ensuring it is always a lovely place to spend some time, for all.
The John Faulkner Award is a special commendation and recognition given to one of our volunteers, special thanks this year goes to, drum roll please…. Laurence Chamberlain
- Thank you Laurence, well done!

Our chairman, Bernard Morton, presents the John Faukner shield
to Laurence (on the right)
- All our volunteers deserve a big thank you as well so ‘Thank you!‘
And the raffle – lots of raffle prizes to give away! The raffle made £83. This will also go into the pot for general canal maintenance on the Arm.
Go to our volunteering page to find out more about joining our Task Party days Volunteer on the Northampton Arm
Follow this link to find out more about the Boat Inn.