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beyond Snarestone Wharf, Ashby Canal

Accessible to all craft kept on the connected inland waterways

Silver Propeller Challenge



Visit the limit of Navigation beyond Snarestone Wharf on the Ashby Canal by boat or canoe.

It has been chosen as a Silver Propeller location to encourage boaters beyond the official terminus. Explore the end of the restored section of canal beyond the full length winding hole at Snarestone Wharf. This is currently just beyond Bridge 62 where there is a winding point that should permit the turning of boats up to 50ft.  A photo of your boat in the proximity of Bridge 62 would be a good proof of your visit.

Complete our challenge by visiting 20 locations from our list, you will receive our exclusive plaque and goody bag.

About the Ashby Canal

The present Ashby Canal is 22 miles (35.4 km) long with no locks and runs from the Coventry Canal at Bedworth to Snarestone.  Originally, the canal was 30 miles long to a terminus at Moira. However, the northern 8 miles were progressively closed as a result to coal mining subsidence in 1944, 1957 and 1966. Originally built as a broad canal with connecting tramways, the stop lock at Marston junction was rebuilt as a narrow lock in 1819 effectively restricting through traffic to narrow boats.

The Ashby Canal Association was formed in 1966; born out of concern caused by the canal closures.  In recent years an isolated section of 1½ miles has been restored at Moira which can be accessed by trail-boats. Consequently, this section includes a new wide beam lock and hosts an annual festival.  Restoration of the abandoned section to link the two sections continues; currently with fundraising for the replacement of Gilwiskaw Aqueduct.

[Photo: Moored boats at Snarestone Wharf on the Ashby Canal  –  by Phil Sharpe]

Notes for visitors


Postcode: DE12 7DD

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Boat Dimensions

The maximum size of boat that can navigate the Ashby Canal is:

  • Length: There are no locks to limit length
  • Beam: 8′ 2″ (2.49 m) – Safety Gate near Marston Junction
  • Height: 8′ 8″ (2.64 m) – Bridge 15a
  • Draught: 4′ 7″ (1.39 m)

There is a slipway at Snarestone Wharf (DE12 7DD) run by the Ashby Canal Association.


Canoeing, Trip Boats and Boat Hire

Canoeing is encouraged on the Ashby Canal with a Canal & River Trust licence or British Canoeing membership.

Bosworth Marina hire the day boat Harry and Sally. 

You can also take a boat trip on the Joseph Wilkes on the isolated section of restored canal at Moira.

Also see…

Visit the restored isolated section of canal at Moira Furnace where there is also a country park, museum, tea room and lots more to explore.

Bosworth Field, the site of King Richard III’s famous battle against Henry Tudor, is within easy reach of the canal near Shenton. It has a heritage centre with a café in an old barn.

The Preserved “Battlefield line” railway runs from the canal at Shackerstone to Shenton.

Challenge Location

Limit of Navigation beyond Snarestone Wharf

Ashby Canal

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