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The Restoration Hub’s High Level Panel is a key component of our work to champion restoration at a national level – encouraging, promoting and enabling waterway restoration to galvanise the attention and support of the media, influential politicians and other key stakeholders. 

The Panel is made up of a small team of individuals who have experience in waterways restoration at a strategic level. Working together, members of the Panel discuss key barriers facing the waterway restoration movement in order to give feedback and strategic direction to IWA trustees on how the Association can best support restoration. Working with the Hub team they support stakeholder engagement meetings with Environment Agency, Government and waterway authorities at a national level. They are also able to offer professional advice and guidance to specific waterway restoration challenges. 

The Panel meet two or three times a year. If you would like an issue to be discussed by the Panel please email [email protected]

Current membership of the panel is under review.

IWA’s Restoration Hub: In a Nutshell