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Geldeston Lock

Geldeston Lock was built around 1670 to enable trading wherries to reach Bungay, but closed in 1934 and the lock has been slowly deteriorating since then.  The River Waveney Trust together with IWA’s Restoration Hub began planning the restoration project in 2013.

Initially the Hub’s support was focused on site visits to establish the project’s remit followed by engaging the services of IWA’s Honorary Consultant Engineers to undertake a visual inspection. Following this a report was produced on the condition of the lock, which suggested steps to take to refurbish the chamber. The Trust then investigated funding options before re-engaging the services of the Hub. 

In 2017, a second site visit was undertaken with the Restoration Hub Coordinator to discuss project management, site set-up and access arrangements. IWA’s Waterway Recovery Group then stepped in to give practical hands on support through a series of Canal Camps. Throughout this project our Technical Support Officer has been able to give support and advice.

IWA’s restoration Hub: In a nutshell