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Rebuilding Bridge 1

The Buckingham Canal Society (BCS) aims to restore the  Old Stratford and Buckingham Arms of the Grand Union Canal. They hope the restoration of the canal will bring new life, new recreational opportunities and new environmentally-friendly businesses to the countryside and towns between Cosgrove and Buckingham. Their recent focus has been completing the rebuilding of Bridge 1. 

IWA’s Restoration Hub has supported the BCS team in many ways. In particular we have offered support around volunteer development and training.  The Hub partially funded one BCS volunteer’s PRINCE2 and MSP Foundation Level qualifications via the WRG Training Grant. Another volunteer was put through the Site Supervisors Safety Training Scheme qualification via a separate training opportunity.

Our Driver Authorisaiton Instructors have trained BCS volunteers on plant and vehicles. Some volunteers have now been trained up to instructor status to allow the Society to become self sufficient in regards to their future requirements. 

The Hub’s Environmental Officer has also supported the Society’s restoration ambitions by conducting an environmental site habitat survey for the proposed route of the canal. Our Technical Officer has also audited the Society’s works project plans, lift plans and risk assessments. 

WRG’s Regional Groups have also supported work at Bridge 1 through weekend digs and work parties.

IWA’s Restoration Hub: In a Nutshell