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WRG Forestry

WRG Forestry supports waterway restoration projects across England and Wales.  The team carries out single tree removal as well as major scrub and tree clearance.

The WRG Forestry team consists of qualified chainsaw operators.  They remove anything from saplings to the largest of trees, and bring their specialist knowledge of tree felling, climbing, aerial first aid, and the art of building very large bonfires!

Their work is undertaken from September through to March. This avoids the bird nesting season and ensures best environmental practice.  WRG Forestry travels around the country supporting waterway restoration groups and other waterway organisations.


Join us on a dig

We have a firm belief in safe working practices; all chainsaw and other machinery operators have undergone training with recognised qualifications and regular refresher courses.  We are fully insured for all tree work through IWA’s insurances.

The team welcomes enquiries from any waterway restoration group who would like to make use of our services. We are available all year round although most work is carried out between September and March for ecological reasons.

If you are interested in joining the WRG Forestry team, or are a waterway restoration group or navigation authority that would like a visit from WRG Forestry, then contact Nigel Lee at wrgforestry(at)

More about WRG Forestry

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