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WRG North West

WRG NW volunteers are based all over the country. We organise working weekends, or “digs”, usually around the north of England. We also attend canal festivals to raise funds to support our work.

WRG Events

Join us on a dig

Please let us know if you’re planning to come along to one of our digs, so that meals and accommodation can be organised in advance.

Transport to weekend digs can usually be arranged from Manchester, leaving on a Friday evening (often about 7.30 pm from Failsworth or City Centre). WRG transport is FREE.

The cost of food is usually £10 to £15 for a full weekend (2 Breakfast, 2 Lunches and 1 Evening Meal) or £2 to £3 for a single meal.  Accommodation is FREE, but usually quite basic.

If you are interested in joining the WRG North West team, or are a waterway restoration group or navigation authority that would like a visit from WRG North West, then contact Helen Gardner at wrgnw(at)

More about us

Ad Hoc Meetings

We also hold ad-hoc (committee type) meetings approximately every two months to discuss the working parties and sales stands. 

Book collections

We will be very glad of any books (not magazines) that you no longer need. Any subject, any age, any condition. We are fundraising by selling the 100s of books we still have at rallies and events. Collection can be arranged for reasonable quantities.  Contact us to discuss further.

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