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Fund Britain's Waterways - Future Events

Further events and activities are planned throughout the rest of 2024 to continue promotion of the Fund Britain’s Waterways campaign.

Fund Britain's Waterways - Future Events

Future Events with a Fund Britain’s Waterways presence

Plans are being progressed for a Fund Britain’s Waterways presence at the following events (and lots more under discussion):

6th July, Canalside Garden Barbeque supporting Erewash Canal Preservation & Development Association and Long Eaton Boat Club

10th to 14th July, Russell Newbery Register Rally, Evesham, on the River Avon

20 to 21st July, Cosgrove Festival, Grand Union Canal

27th July, Linslade Festival, Grand Union Canal

3rd August,  Association of Waterways Cruising Clubs 60th Gathering, Grand Union Canal

7th to 8th September, Shardlow Festival

16th September, Wey River Festival, Guildford – IWA Guildford & Reading Branch stall to feature FBW

21st September, Oxford Canal Festival – IWA Guildford & Reading Branch stall to feature FBW

21st to 22nd September, Tipton Canal Festival

5th to 6th October, Banbury Canal Festival – IWA Guildford & Reading Branch stall to feature FBW

If you can help promote the FBW cause at any events you are involved in at any time throughout the year, please contact Hazel Owen [email protected] and 07929 204811.

Fund Britain’s Waterways to provide members the opportunity to quiz Navigation Authorities – various dates

FBW’s activities to date have focused on raising awareness of the challenges facing our canals and rivers and the message that increased and sustainable funding is needed.

At the same time as campaigning for increased funding for navigation authorities, FBW recognises the importance of those navigation authorities being able to explain how they are making the best possible use of funds for the waterways. FBW will therefore be holding sessions with major navigation authorities, which started with the Canal & River Trust on 10th April 2024 (see the full report and notes here).

The sessions are chaired by FBW and live streamed to FBW members, with a recording and written notes of the meeting to be made publicly available at a later date. FBW members are invited to submit detailed written questions, which will be collated and submitted to each navigation authority two weeks in advance of its meeting. FBW then asks the questions in the meeting and the navigation authority provides detailed answers, both in person in the meeting and also in writing.

By arranging these sessions, FBW is enabling its members to ask questions on any area including those where reservations are publicly expressed. These will be positive and constructive sessions which we hope will benefit both the navigation authority and FBW.

The Environment Agency, Broads Authority and other Government agencies are unable to participate until after the General Election on 4th July.

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