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A relaxing 4 hour cruise along the scenic River Weaver in Cheshire, from Sutton Weaver to Anderton Boat Lift passing through 2 locks and 2 swing bridges.  Our vessel is the historic Daniel Adamson, a 1903 steam ship with fabulous Art Deco interiors, affectionately known as “The Danny”.  You can combine this with a visit to the Anderton Boat Lift to make an interesting day of it.

The cruise is from 12 noon to 4 pm so the plan is to drive to Anderton (opening time 9.30 am to 5.30 pm), park at the Boat Lift car park (postcode CW9 6FW – £3 all day), with time to visit the lift and the free visitor centre either before or after the cruise.  For further details see:

A coach will collect us from the car park at 11.20 am and take us to the ship. 

Download a full description of the voyage.

For catering, there is a coffee shop/café at the lift, and a restaurant nearby.  There is a bar on-board The Danny with hot and cold drinks but only a limited supply of cakes and sandwiches, so passengers are welcome to bring picnics.

Anyone with limited mobility should be aware that access between decks on the ship is by steps, and there are also steps on the coach and the gangway.  The only dogs permitted are assistance dogs.

The cost for the cruise is £40 per head, and we have provisionally booked 20 spaces, although this can be increased if we know early enough.  To reserve places please give/send a deposit of £5 each to our Treasurer, Pete Gurney at one of our public meetings or by post.  Travel to Anderton will be by private car, but for a friendly journey and to save fuel please consider car-sharing.  If you are likely to have spare space or would like a lift, then tell Pete where you will be starting from and we will try to suggest a convenient pick-up.

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IWA Chester & Merseyside Branch
Event Date(s)

Sunday 28th June 2020




River Weaver Cruise & Anderton Boat Lift Visit

A relaxing 4 hour cruise along the scenic River Weaver in Cheshire, from Sutton Weaver to Anderton Boat Lift passing through 2 locks and 2 swing bridges.  Our vessel is the historic Daniel Adamson, a 1903 steam ship with fabulous Art Deco interiors, affectionately known as “The Danny”.  You can combine this with a visit to the Anderton Boat Lift to make an interesting day of it.

The cruise is from 12 noon to 4 pm so the plan is to drive to Anderton (opening time 9.30 am to 5.30 pm), park at the Boat Lift car park (postcode CW9 6FW – £3 all day), with time to visit the lift and the free visitor centre either before or after the cruise.  For further details see:

A coach will collect us from the car park at 11.20 am and take us to the ship. 

Download a full description of the voyage.

For catering, there is a coffee shop/café at the lift, and a restaurant nearby.  There is a bar on-board The Danny with hot and cold drinks but only a limited supply of cakes and sandwiches, so passengers are welcome to bring picnics.

Anyone with limited mobility should be aware that access between decks on the ship is by steps, and there are also steps on the coach and the gangway.  The only dogs permitted are assistance dogs.

The cost for the cruise is £40 per head, and we have provisionally booked 20 spaces, although this can be increased if we know early enough.  To reserve places please give/send a deposit of £5 each to our Treasurer, Pete Gurney at one of our public meetings or by post.  Travel to Anderton will be by private car, but for a friendly journey and to save fuel please consider car-sharing.  If you are likely to have spare space or would like a lift, then tell Pete where you will be starting from and we will try to suggest a convenient pick-up.



Pete Gurney

01785 255101

[email protected]




Waterway underfunding

Hundreds of miles of waterways – along with their unique heritage and habitats – are currently starved of funding and rely on constant lobbying by us to safeguard their future.

Sustainable Boating

We want boating on canals and rivers to be more sustainable and – even though the current overall contribution to UK carbon emissions is very small – we want to help reduce emissions on the waterways.

Waterways Heritage at Risk

Britain’s canals and rivers are a unique, living heritage. But that heritage is at risk – from urban development, lack of protection, loss of skills and knowledge and climate change.

You can help Save Waterways Heritage.

Waterway restoration

Restoring the UK’s blue infrastructure – our inherited network of navigable canals and rivers – is good for people and places.