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Fund Britain's Waterways - Volunteer Vacancies

Fund Britain’s Waterways is seeking volunteers to assist with various aspects of the campaign including fundraising, publicity and social media.  Please get in touch if you are interested in volunteering for any of the roles outlined below:


Fund Britain's Waterways - Volunteer Vacancies


  • Encouraging donations from members
  • Increasing public donations
  • Identifying potential funding sources for steering group to consider
  • Gaining funding from sources approved by the steering group
  • Liaising with IWA staff to ensure funding is received and to monitor the restricted fund
  • Written monthly reporting to the steering group



  • Liaising with IWA staff on plans for events to ensure that FBW presents itself professionally to the public. This includes logistics and running of the stand.
  • Identifying suitable events to attend.
  • Seeking approval from the steering group for attendance at events
  • Negotiating terms for attendance at events
  • Ensuring publicity for events both before and afterwards liaising with the Publicity and Social Media volunteers.
  • Liaising with the Publicity and Social Media volunteers, produce at least two social media posts per week across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram
  • Written monthly reporting to the steering group


Social Media

  • Developing productive working relationship with defined contacts in each steering group member organisation
  • Developing and updating a social media strategy and plan
  • Liaising with the Events and Publicity volunteers to produce at least two social media posts per week across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram
  • Liaising with the Events and Publicity volunteers and IWA staff and volunteers on website content, to ensure at least one update per week
  • Source and curate video content on IWA YouTube channel and elsewhere
  • Monitoring impact of social media activity
  • Written monthly reporting to the steering group



  • Developing and implementing a publicity strategy as a matter of urgency
  • Ensuring publicity for all FBW activities is obtained through all possible media outlets
  • Developing relationships with media (particularly TV and Radio) in order to promote FBW’s purpose.
  • Liaising with the steering group to agree nominated spokespeople for FBW and act as a spokesperson for FBW yourself
  • Liaising with the Events and Social Media volunteers to produce at least two social media posts per week across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram
  • Written monthly reporting to the steering group


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