There will be a number of retirements from the team after the 2023 Festival of Water, to be held at Pelsall. The team is now looking to fill the following positions for planning and working towards the 2025 Festival:

    • Publicity Manager – working with IWA Head Office staff to manage publicity including posters, leaflets, local advertising near the site, local radio and social media.

    • Attractions and Entertainments Manager – Finding and booking entertainers for the entertainments marque and booking attractions including children’s rides (within the limitations of IWA’s insurance arrangements).

    • Administration Assistant – collate boat and campsite bookings, both online system and paper bookings producing spreadsheets for Waterspace and Campsite as necessary.  Print and distribute Event Safety Guides on site.  Produce notices and signs for onsite use and any other documents required.

Committee meetings are usually by zoom, meeting on site once or twice in the year at that year’s venue.

Trade and catering can be done by one person.

Previous committee members can pass on information, and the present members are happy to advise anybody if they take on a post. If you are interested or would to talk through and queries, please email [email protected] or telephone Maria on 07773 451888.

[The photo shows the Festival of Water at St Neots in 2018 – by Mike Daines]