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IWA Manchester Branch will be working with Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal Society at Prestolee on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September at their regular work site, Prestolee Road, Little Lever, Bolton, BL3 1AD.

Work will include brick laying, scrub bashing and, possibly, installing a memorial bench.

Please head to Prestolee Road, Little Lever, Bolton, BL3 1AD. The best place to park is nearby Boscow Road as there is no parking at the locks.

Aim to start at 10.00. Tools and gloves will be provided but please wear suitable clothing for the work proposed and footwear, with steel toe caps preferably, also don’t forget to bring your lunch and drink(s).

[Photo: Looking north to Seddons Fold Bridge © David Dixon and licenced for reuse under cc-by-sa/2.0]


IWA Manchester Branch
Event Date(s)

Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September 2023


Little Lever, Bolton

Access for all

Volunteer on the Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal

IWA Manchester Branch will be working with Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal Society at Prestolee on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September at their regular work site, Prestolee Road, Little Lever, Bolton, BL3 1AD.

Work will include brick laying, scrub bashing and, possibly, installing a memorial bench.

Please head to Prestolee Road, Little Lever, Bolton, BL3 1AD. The best place to park is nearby Boscow Road as there is no parking at the locks.

Aim to start at 10.00. Tools and gloves will be provided but please wear suitable clothing for the work proposed and footwear, with steel toe caps preferably, also don’t forget to bring your lunch and drink(s).

[Photo: Looking north to Seddons Fold Bridge © David Dixon and licenced for reuse under cc-by-sa/2.0]




Barry McGuinness

Please can you let Barry McGuinness [email protected] (07875 999 825) know if you’ll be joining them and on which day (s), so he can ensure he has sufficient PPE, tasks and equipment and can meet and greet you especially if a first time volunteer.

View event location


Little Lever, Bolton

Manchester, Bolton & Bury Canal Tow Path, Little Lever, Bolton BL3 1AD, UK

Find directions to the Event


Waterway underfunding

Hundreds of miles of waterways – along with their unique heritage and habitats – are currently starved of funding and rely on constant lobbying by us to safeguard their future.

Sustainable Boating

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Waterways Heritage at Risk

Britain’s canals and rivers are a unique, living heritage. But that heritage is at risk – from urban development, lack of protection, loss of skills and knowledge and climate change.

You can help Save Waterways Heritage.

Waterway restoration

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