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Join us for a talk about “Puffing a-Wey!”, the annual steam boat gathering on the River Wey at Dapdune Wharf,  to be given by Mark Rudall, the event organiser and a stalwart of the Steam Boat Association of Great Britain.

Members of The Steamboat Association of Great Britain will return to the National Trust’s Dapdune Wharf on 9th July this year for a Midsummer weekend of steam boats after a break of two years.

Steam powered launches and boats are expected to be at and around the wharf in central Guildford all weekend providing a colourful spectacle on the River Wey Navigation. Visiting
from across Britain as guests of the National Trust, the steam boats are owned by members of the Steamboat Association of Great Britain.

The National Trust’s Dapdune Wharf is an extraordinary, almost hidden, rustic gem in the middle of busy Guildford. The wharf is the historic central depot for the Wey and Godalming Navigations and its sheds and exhibitions transport visitors back to pre-railway days when barge traffic on the waterway was the area’s most important connection to London’s commerce and docks.

“Puffing a-Wey!” has been held in Guildford since 2012 and can attract 15-20 boats, each of them unique. Some are historic, others have been built from scratch by their owners along traditional lines but all provide fascinating sights, sounds and fragrances evocative of the steam age on Britain’s inland waterways.

Tea and coffee are served at all IWA Kent & East Sussex evening events. Entry is free with a raffle to cover costs.

All IWA Kent & East Sussex Branch events are open to non-members and you are encouraged to bring friends. Similarly, if you know of any local society that might be interested then please do let them know.

IWA Kent & East Sussex Branch
Event Date(s)

Thursday 6th October 2022




Puffing a-Wey

Join us for a talk about “Puffing a-Wey!”, the annual steam boat gathering on the River Wey at Dapdune Wharf,  to be given by Mark Rudall, the event organiser and a stalwart of the Steam Boat Association of Great Britain.

Members of The Steamboat Association of Great Britain will return to the National Trust’s Dapdune Wharf on 9th July this year for a Midsummer weekend of steam boats after a break of two years.

Steam powered launches and boats are expected to be at and around the wharf in central Guildford all weekend providing a colourful spectacle on the River Wey Navigation. Visiting
from across Britain as guests of the National Trust, the steam boats are owned by members of the Steamboat Association of Great Britain.

The National Trust’s Dapdune Wharf is an extraordinary, almost hidden, rustic gem in the middle of busy Guildford. The wharf is the historic central depot for the Wey and Godalming Navigations and its sheds and exhibitions transport visitors back to pre-railway days when barge traffic on the waterway was the area’s most important connection to London’s commerce and docks.

“Puffing a-Wey!” has been held in Guildford since 2012 and can attract 15-20 boats, each of them unique. Some are historic, others have been built from scratch by their owners along traditional lines but all provide fascinating sights, sounds and fragrances evocative of the steam age on Britain’s inland waterways.

Tea and coffee are served at all IWA Kent & East Sussex evening events. Entry is free with a raffle to cover costs.

All IWA Kent & East Sussex Branch events are open to non-members and you are encouraged to bring friends. Similarly, if you know of any local society that might be interested then please do let them know.




7:30pm for 8:00pm

Contact Us

Roy Sutton

[email protected]
01342 317569

View event location



Strood Yacht Club, Knight Road, Strood, Kent. ME2 2AH

Find directions to the Event


Map of Strood Yacht Club




Waterway underfunding

Hundreds of miles of waterways – along with their unique heritage and habitats – are currently starved of funding and rely on constant lobbying by us to safeguard their future.

Sustainable Boating

We want boating on canals and rivers to be more sustainable and – even though the current overall contribution to UK carbon emissions is very small – we want to help reduce emissions on the waterways.

Waterways Heritage at Risk

Britain’s canals and rivers are a unique, living heritage. But that heritage is at risk – from urban development, lack of protection, loss of skills and knowledge and climate change.

You can help Save Waterways Heritage.

Waterway restoration

Restoring the UK’s blue infrastructure – our inherited network of navigable canals and rivers – is good for people and places.