Join the IWA Lichfield Branch for a guided walk starting from Armitage.
This is a 4-mile circular walk with 4 stiles, on the towpath, footpaths and the pavement. The terrain is largely level.
We join the T&M by bridge 60, passing the canal-side factory of Ideal Standard (Armitage Shanks) before leaving the waterway by The Crown Inn at bridge 58. We cross the river Trent via the impressive High Bridge before turning westwards towards the hamlet of Maveysn Ridware. From there we pass over the Trent again and under the railway line to make our way back along the towpath to our starting point.
Meet 10:30 for a 10:45 start on Thursday 8th May 2025 in the car park of The Plum Pudding, Rugeley Road, Armitage, Rugeley WS15 4AZ. Contact Clive Walker on [email protected]
Join the IWA Lichfield Branch for a guided walk starting from Armitage.
This is a 4-mile circular walk with 4 stiles, on the towpath, footpaths and the pavement. The terrain is largely level.
We join the T&M by bridge 60, passing the canal-side factory of Ideal Standard (Armitage Shanks) before leaving the waterway by The Crown Inn at bridge 58. We cross the river Trent via the impressive High Bridge before turning westwards towards the hamlet of Maveysn Ridware. From there we pass over the Trent again and under the railway line to make our way back along the towpath to our starting point.
Meet 10:30 for a 10:45 start on Thursday 8th May 2025 in the car park of The Plum Pudding, Rugeley Road, Armitage, Rugeley WS15 4AZ. Contact Clive Walker on [email protected]
Contact Clive Walker on [email protected]