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The Hanwell Locks Partnership is a volunteer group formed by the IWA West London Branch and the Canal & River Trust for the care conservation and restoration of the locks and side ponds of the Hanwell Flight and Norwood Locks.

Our task parties are usually held on the second Thursday of each month. With lockdown easing we can now proceed with our work using Covid safe practices. The tasks we usually undertake include vegetation management, weeding, painting and lock planned preventative maintenance.

If you would like to help at the task party please register with Ray Gill for full details of times and meeting place. Our task parties are normally four hours but if you can spare just a couple of hours you will still be very welcome.

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IWA West London Branch
Event Date(s)

Thursday 8th July 2021


Hanwell Locks Partnership Task Party

The Hanwell Locks Partnership is a volunteer group formed by the IWA West London Branch and the Canal & River Trust for the care conservation and restoration of the locks and side ponds of the Hanwell Flight and Norwood Locks.

Our task parties are usually held on the second Thursday of each month. With lockdown easing we can now proceed with our work using Covid safe practices. The tasks we usually undertake include vegetation management, weeding, painting and lock planned preventative maintenance.

If you would like to help at the task party please register with Ray Gill for full details of times and meeting place. Our task parties are normally four hours but if you can spare just a couple of hours you will still be very welcome.



Hanwell Flight Locks 92 to 97


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Hanwell Flight Of Locks, Windmill Lane, Southall, UK

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Waterway underfunding

Hundreds of miles of waterways – along with their unique heritage and habitats – are currently starved of funding and rely on constant lobbying by us to safeguard their future.

Sustainable Boating

We want boating on canals and rivers to be more sustainable and – even though the current overall contribution to UK carbon emissions is very small – we want to help reduce emissions on the waterways.

Waterways Heritage at Risk

Britain’s canals and rivers are a unique, living heritage. But that heritage is at risk – from urban development, lack of protection, loss of skills and knowledge and climate change.

You can help Save Waterways Heritage.

Waterway restoration

Restoring the UK’s blue infrastructure – our inherited network of navigable canals and rivers – is good for people and places.