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Canals in Europe - IWA Manchester Branch Meeting

Come join us for this month’s Open Meeting on Monday 10th March, at 7.15pm in the Castlefield Hotel.

“Canals in Europe: a glimpse beyond the UK” by Lisa Zecchin

This talk will focus on the canals in continental Europe looking particularly on the case studies of the Castilla Canal (Spain) and the Battaglia Canal (Italy) and also making some comparisons with the British canals (especially the Oxford Canal). The talk will focus on the how canal landscapes have evolved since the decline of inland navigation in 19th century, the canals as cultural heritage and what is the current offer and competitiveness of canal tourism in the European market.

The speaker Lisa Zecchin is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Padova and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Her PhD project focuses on the revitalisation of historic waterways in Europe, and the tourism use of canal landscapes as cultural and natural heritage.  She also collaborates with the Touring Club Italiano, the oldest national tourism organization in Italy. Prior to enrolling in the PhD program, she worked as a consultant for various tourism organisations.


IWA Manchester Branch
Event Date(s)

Monday 10th March




Canals in Europe – IWA Manchester Branch Meeting

Come join us for this month’s Open Meeting on Monday 10th March, at 7.15pm in the Castlefield Hotel.

“Canals in Europe: a glimpse beyond the UK” by Lisa Zecchin

This talk will focus on the canals in continental Europe looking particularly on the case studies of the Castilla Canal (Spain) and the Battaglia Canal (Italy) and also making some comparisons with the British canals (especially the Oxford Canal). The talk will focus on the how canal landscapes have evolved since the decline of inland navigation in 19th century, the canals as cultural heritage and what is the current offer and competitiveness of canal tourism in the European market.

The speaker Lisa Zecchin is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Padova and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. Her PhD project focuses on the revitalisation of historic waterways in Europe, and the tourism use of canal landscapes as cultural and natural heritage.  She also collaborates with the Touring Club Italiano, the oldest national tourism organization in Italy. Prior to enrolling in the PhD program, she worked as a consultant for various tourism organisations.




7.15 p.m.

Please arrive at 19:15 for the 19:30 start.


Phil Broughton

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us: [email protected]


Castlefield Hotel

Liverpool Road, Manchester M3 4JR – corner of Liverpool Road and Potato Wharf

The entrance to the hotel is on the side facing towards Deansgate overlooking the Castlefield outdoor arena.

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The Castlefield Hotel, Manchester, UK

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Waterway underfunding

Hundreds of miles of waterways – along with their unique heritage and habitats – are currently starved of funding and rely on constant lobbying by us to safeguard their future.

Sustainable Boating

We want boating on canals and rivers to be more sustainable and – even though the current overall contribution to UK carbon emissions is very small – we want to help reduce emissions on the waterways.

Waterways Heritage at Risk

Britain’s canals and rivers are a unique, living heritage. But that heritage is at risk – from urban development, lack of protection, loss of skills and knowledge and climate change.

You can help Save Waterways Heritage.

Waterway restoration

Restoring the UK’s blue infrastructure – our inherited network of navigable canals and rivers – is good for people and places.