Every year, we run about twenty Summer Canal Camps. This means we need to find a large team of volunteer Canal Camp leaders and assistant leaders each year.   

What they do

Your main role is to make sure the Canal Camp is a fun, well planned and safe experience.

What’s involved

The main role of the leader is to motivate and organise the volunteers to work safely towards completing the canal restoration task and, above all, make the Canal Camp an enjoyable week. As a leader, you are responsible for the well-being of your volunteers 24 hours a day for the duration of the camp.

Main tasks

  • Preparation and planning before the Canal Camp, including liaising with volunteers, host society contacts and WRG Head Office as well as visiting your site.
  • Working with the WRG Sites Group to help create a suitable Project Plan for your Canal Camp.
  • Day-to-day running of the Canal Camp. You are responsible for leading, supporting, and motivating your team of Canal Camp volunteers.
  • Attending the Leaders Training Day.

Required skills and experience

To become a Canal Camp leader you must have experience and knowledge of supporting and leading groups of people to create safe, engaging and fun working holiday experiences.

Training and Support

You will receive ongoing support and resources from our the Canal Camps team.
WRG is committed to the training and development of all our volunteers. Canal Camp leaders will be encouraged to develop the skills necessary to enable them to run high quality and fun Canal Camps.
⦁ We will arrange a one hour induction session via Zoom to explain the plans for the Canal Camp.
⦁ Access to IWA’s virtual resources, which includes Leaders Guidance Notes.
⦁ Leaders Training Day

Expenses: We will cover pre-agreed travel expenses for site visits.


Please contact the Canal Camps team to discuss the role:
Phone: 01494 783 453
E-mail: [email protected]

More ways to volunteer

Role description

Canal Camp Leader

