Restoring the Stafford Riverway Link
The route can still be walked on riverside footpaths and the potential value of its restoration to boaters and for trade and tourism in Stafford can be appreciated. Stafford Riverway Link was incorporated as a Community Interest Company in 2009. A Feasibility Study was commissioned in 2011 with financial support from IWA and Staffordshire County Council, and from 2012 working parties have been held at Baswich every few months. The site of the lockhouse has been uncovered and its foundations consolidated, the basin has been excavated, and a roadway around the field has been surfaced to give access for construction plant and materials. In 2019 a long term lease was secured on the site and reconstruction of the towpath side wall of the basin was completed. By 2022 volunteers had built the other basin walls and the future lock entrance, and a start was made on lining the bed.