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Dudley Canal No 2

The Dudley Canal No 2 connected the Dudley No 1 Canal at Park Head Junction with the Worcester & Birmingham Canal at Selly Oak Junction.  Currently, the Canal is only navigable between Park Head Junction and Hawne Basin (near Halesowen).  Lapal Canal Trust aims to restore Canal from Hawne Basin to Selly Oak Junction.

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Facts & Stats

5.5 miles

(8.9 km)

The length of the Dudley Canal No 2 which is navigable.

0 locks

There are no locks on the Canal.


The year the full 11-mile long canal was opened.

From Park Head Junction to Hawne Basin

The present navigable length of Dudley Canal No 2 is from Park Head Junction to Hawne Basin, where it currently terminates. It was originally 11 miles long and was built to link the Dudley No 1 Canal to the Worcester & Birmingham Canal in Selly Oak.  It was designed to act as a faster way of getting coal from the Black Country to London.

The canal is derelict for 5.3 miles (8.5km) from Hawne Basin through the Lapal Tunnel and on to Selly Oak Junction on the Worcester & Birmingham Canal.  Restoration of this section is proposed under the name of the Lapal Canal and is being led by volunteers of the Lapal Canal Trust.

Dudley Canal No 2 is joined at Windmill End Junction by the Netherton Branch of the Birmingham CanalThe Bumble Hole Arm of the Dudley No. 2 Canal leads to Bumble Hole Nature Reserve.

The photo shows Hawne Basin in industrial use last century – the Basin is now used for leisure moorings and is the home of Coombeswood Canal Trust.

The long-term aim of the Lapal Canal Trust is to restore the Dudley No. 2 Canal from its current terminus at Hawne Basin, Halesowen, through to its former connection with the Worcester & Birmingham Canal in Birmingham.  The most difficult aspect of this proposal is the restoration of the Lapal Tunnel which is blocked in an unknown number of places.  The Trust’s initial aims, therefore, are to restore stretches of canal on either side of the Tunnel, which will bring benefit to the local community.

The Trust has funded a new turning area for boats on the Worcester & Birmingham Canal, so that they will be able to turn and enter the eastern end of the the restored Canal.  The work was undertaken by contractors between May and July 2022.   For the next 400 metres, the Trust has raised £724k from a section 106 agreement, but needs to raise £1.3m before works can start.

Waterway notes

Maximum boat sizes

  • Length: 70′ 11″ (21.62 metres)
  • Beam: 7′ 4″ (2.24 metres)
  • Height: 7′ 5″ (2.26 metres)
  • Draught: 4′ 4″ (1.32 metres)

Navigation authority

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