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Join us for a socially distanced work party pulling up this invasive plant, in the vicinity of Crumpwood and Bridge 70. Himalayan Balsam is an invasive non-native species that crowds out other plants.  It pulls up very easily and is completely non-toxic.  This is a great activity for all the family (children must be accompanied and supervised).

Please wear stout shoes and long sleeves and trousers (to avoid nettle stings) and bring gardening gloves, waterproofs and a packed lunch if staying all day. Meet on site at Bridge 70 at 10am having made your own way on foot. The site is a little over a mile walk down the old railway track from either Denstone or Alton. When you see the newly laid section of towpath, walk down this to the bridge.

IWA North Staffordshire & South Cheshire Branch
Event Date(s)

25th June 2021

Himalayan Balsam work party

Join us for a socially distanced work party pulling up this invasive plant, in the vicinity of Crumpwood and Bridge 70. Himalayan Balsam is an invasive non-native species that crowds out other plants.  It pulls up very easily and is completely non-toxic.  This is a great activity for all the family (children must be accompanied and supervised).

Please wear stout shoes and long sleeves and trousers (to avoid nettle stings) and bring gardening gloves, waterproofs and a packed lunch if staying all day. Meet on site at Bridge 70 at 10am having made your own way on foot. The site is a little over a mile walk down the old railway track from either Denstone or Alton. When you see the newly laid section of towpath, walk down this to the bridge.



Steve Wood

Tel: 07976 805858

Email: [email protected]

What to wear

  • Stout shoes
  • Long sleeves and trousers
  • Gardening gloves
  • Waterproofs


Waterway underfunding

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