Volunteers to help on our sales stand or work passing boats through the lock and help to collect donations will be made most welcome.
Also, could you provide any homemade produce for us to sell on our stand? Cakes, biscuits, preserves, chutneys, fresh fruit or vegetables from the garden – all go down well with visitors and passing boats and help to raise money for our charity.
If you can spare some time, even if only a few hours, and would like to help like-minded enthusiasts at this most enjoyable event, please contact our events coordinator Phil Tarrant ([email protected]) or branch secretary Philippa Bursey ([email protected]) as soon as possible.
Volunteers to help on our sales stand or work passing boats through the lock and help to collect donations will be made most welcome.
Also, could you provide any homemade produce for us to sell on our stand? Cakes, biscuits, preserves, chutneys, fresh fruit or vegetables from the garden – all go down well with visitors and passing boats and help to raise money for our charity.
If you can spare some time, even if only a few hours, and would like to help like-minded enthusiasts at this most enjoyable event, please contact our events coordinator Phil Tarrant ([email protected]) or branch secretary Philippa Bursey ([email protected]) as soon as possible.