Join us for a Himalayan Balsam work party.
IWA Lancs & Cumbria Branch, Lancaster Canal Trust and Friends of Haslam Park are having a joint Balsam Bash at Haslam Park. We will be working near the feeder to the canal where we have worked in previous years. We are attempting to prevent the Balsam from establishing itself on th0e Ribble Link further downstream.
Pulling up the Balsam is very easy as it is shallow rooted. Please wear long sleeves as Nettles often grow alongside it.
Meet at the car park (further down Bristow Avenue park entrance) at 10am, bring a packed lunch and suitable clothing, we intend to finish at 3pm but if you want to leave early that’s fine. It will be good to get out in the fresh air again and meet with old and new friends.
Join us for a Himalayan Balsam work party.
IWA Lancs & Cumbria Branch, Lancaster Canal Trust and Friends of Haslam Park are having a joint Balsam Bash at Haslam Park. We will be working near the feeder to the canal where we have worked in previous years. We are attempting to prevent the Balsam from establishing itself on th0e Ribble Link further downstream.
Pulling up the Balsam is very easy as it is shallow rooted. Please wear long sleeves as Nettles often grow alongside it.
Meet at the car park (further down Bristow Avenue park entrance) at 10am, bring a packed lunch and suitable clothing, we intend to finish at 3pm but if you want to leave early that’s fine. It will be good to get out in the fresh air again and meet with old and new friends.
The car park is further down the avenue, along Bristow Avenue, on the right.
People arriving by car cannot turn right into the Park (Bristow Avenue) going out from Preston, but they can turn left coming in from the Blackpool direction. Coming from Preston you will have to go past, turn further up and then come back.