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CANCELLED Manchester, Bolton & Bury Canal Camp CC2024-04

 Registration is closed for this event
The work: Rebuilding a ‘bullnose’ - a semicircular wall which forms the inside of a tight bend at Nob End where boats from Manchester turned sharp left to enter the Bolton branch of the canal. It will include bricklaying, blockwork, casting concrete ‘stones’ to replace missing coping stones, concrete backfilling and landscaping.

The reason: This section of canal has been closed since a disastrous burst in 1936. A nearby length of canal, where it runs high on the steep valley side, collapsed into the River Irwell. Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal Society saw it as a major obstruction to restoration. But recently, in what has been called “the most important thing to happen in many years” a housing development has been approved which (as part of its planning permission) will pay to repair the breach and reinstate 700 metres of canal. And this bullnose wall needs to be rebuilt to facilitate that reinstatement.

The restoration: The Canal Society hopes to reopen the entire route, but faces some challenges. However with the breach repaired, there is the potential to reopen five miles from Radcliffe to Nob End and on towards Bolton. This could then be extended towards Bury, and also down the six locks leading south from the junction, reducing the gap between there and a restored length at the Manchester end, bringing complete reopening closer.

July 7th, 2024 4:00 PM through July 14th, 2024 12:00 PM
Event Fee(s)
Canal Camp 2024 Price Set £ 80.00