The work: Almost 600 metres of existing footpaths on Cocklemoor, adjacent to the River Parrett in Langport, Somerset, are to be improved by widening and resurfacing. Surfaced access routes are also to be created from the main footpath to two disabled-accessible fishing platforms.
The reason: In recent years, the River Parrett has gained a new lease of life and become a focus for recreation with rowing, paddleboarding, kayaking, fishing and wild swimming all popular. Cocklemoor has become a popular destination for this activity as well as providing space for riverside walking and picnics. However, this increased activity is putting significant pressure on the paths and infrastructure, which now needs upgrading.
The restoration: The Parrett Navigation was a series of river improvements carried out in the early 19th century to allow boats through access from Bridgwater to Thorney. It had a relatively short life with the arrival of the railways and today the focus is on leisure activities and a local community boat – but who knows what the future could hold?
The work: Almost 600 metres of existing footpaths on Cocklemoor, adjacent to the River Parrett in Langport, Somerset, are to be improved by widening and resurfacing. Surfaced access routes are also to be created from the main footpath to two disabled-accessible fishing platforms.
The reason: In recent years, the River Parrett has gained a new lease of life and become a focus for recreation with rowing, paddleboarding, kayaking, fishing and wild swimming all popular. Cocklemoor has become a popular destination for this activity as well as providing space for riverside walking and picnics. However, this increased activity is putting significant pressure on the paths and infrastructure, which now needs upgrading.
The restoration: The Parrett Navigation was a series of river improvements carried out in the early 19th century to allow boats through access from Bridgwater to Thorney. It had a relatively short life with the arrival of the railways and today the focus is on leisure activities and a local community boat – but who knows what the future could hold?
£105 for the 9-day Canal Camp