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About the branch

IWA Peterborough Branch oversees campaigning for part of the River Nene, the entire Middle Level, and the Old Bedford River.

We are campaigning to re-water the Horseway Channel and re-open Welches Dam Lock as part of the Project Hereward team. We are also helping to drive forward the exciting new initiative – the Boston to Peterborough Wetland Corridor.

The restoration of Horseways Channel and Welches Dam lock

The restoration of Horseways Channel and Welches Dam lock in the Anglian waterways system is the Peterborough Branch’s main concern. 

Boston to Peterborough Wetland Corridor

Campaigning to open up a brand new, direct route between Boston in Lincolnshire and Peterborough in Cambridgeshire, connecting the River Welland in the north to the River Nene in the south.


IWA Peterborough Branch’s newsletter Hereward was published quarterly, but is in abeyance at the moment.  Past issues are available to all members and can be read online.